Sunday, August 1, 2010

What are some cool designs to paint on short nails for beginners?

the classic stripe nail is always easy, just paint your nail any color and take another color and paint stripes on top. also you can paint a color on your nail and then take a toothpick and dip the tooth pick in to sojme nail polish and make flowers, those are very simple ideas.What are some cool designs to paint on short nails for beginners?
well it might be a little girly but its really easy you can paint your nails a bright red and then put 4 black polka dots (you can use the ends of cardboard qtips if you just rip off the cotton) on each one as if they were going to make a square! there you have ladybug fingernails (:

you could also do one light color like light pink

and make a little heart with hot pink paint.

you could paint a small flower with bright green paint for the stem, any color petals and a yellow middle!What are some cool designs to paint on short nails for beginners?
Polka Dots! I've tried them and it's been a success. I usually get compliments too. Try them out! :D

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